viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Friday Note (Dec. 6- Dec. 10, 2010)

 Friday Note ( Dec 6- Dec. 10, 2010)

Dear Parents,
Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been learning the letters Oo and Kk, we have been practicing how to writte them and read them in a word. I am going to continue sending every week some words and phrases in a piece of paper to read at home with your child, parents, please I need your help with it, read with your children everyday about 5 or 10 minute. Leave that paper at home.
Math:  This week the children have been reviewing the numbers from 10 and 15 and we have learned the hours.
Social Studies: We have been talking about  South America, The Andes, Machu Picchu, the Amazon rainforest, the Amazon River, Llamas...
Arts and crafts:  we are doing a snowman.
Music and dance:  We are remembering all the program songs.
Gym: We have been dancing and practice the coordination.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something about EUROPE.
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week.
:  We are continuing how to ask about likes and dislikes, “Yo quiero…” (I want), “Me gusta…” (I like), “No me gusta…” (I do not like) and they have to practice how to say their names “Mi nombre es…” (my name is) and we are going to learn next week everything about the scool.
Kindergarten Concert: We really did a great work in the program, your childs were fantastics, and I am really proud and happy because of them.
I have to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL THE PARENTS THAT HELPED ME WITH AND IN THE PROGRAM, specially to our two class captain, Shay and Erinne.
Thank you very much.

Mrs. Susana

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Friday Note (Nov. 29- Dec. 3)

 Friday Note (Nov. 29- Dec 3, 2010)

Dear Parents,
Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been reviewing all the letters, specially letter Bb. We read everyday in the classroom and I am going to send every week some words and phrases in a piece of paper to read at home with your child, parents, please I need your help with it, read with your children everyday about 5 or 10 minute. Leave the paper at home with you so you do not need to bring it back.
I really apreciate your big effort. Thank you very much.
Math:  This week the children have been practicing the numbers from 10 and 15.
Social Studies: We have been talking about  NORTH AMERICA.
Arts and crafts:  we continue coloring the bears.
Music and dance:  We are still learning and practicing the Spanish dance called “Sevillanas”.
Gym: We have been dancing and practice the coordination.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something about SOUTH AMERICA.
Spanish:  We are continuing how to ask about likes and dislikes, “Yo quiero…” (I want), “Me gusta…” (I like), “No me gusta…” (I do not like) and they have to practice how to say their names “Mi nombre es…” (my name is) and we are going to learn next week everything about the scool.
Kindergarten Concert: Tuesday, December 7 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Please PLEASE ALL THE STUDENS SHOULD BE ALONE IN THE CLASSROOM AT 6: 00 PM  because I'm going to put on the rest of the customs and talk with them about the program.
If you know that your child will not be attending, please let us know ASAP as the children all have partners for the dance portion Refreshments of foods from other countries will be served in the gym afterward.
Parents who are bringing the food, please leave it on the back food tables when you come that evening under the sign marked for your country.

Costumes for the Concert: Girls need to wear a dance leotard or white blouse to go with a skirt provided. They should wear black shoes if possible or runners. Boys need to wear long black pants and a long sleeved, white, button up shirt. They should wear black shoes if possible or runners. Hats, sashes, flowers and combs will be provided for the girls and boys costumes.

Skirts and necklaces for the girls and red sashes for the boys will be sent home on  Tuesday . Please make sure your child in dressed in their costume when they arrive at school that evening. Skirts are not to be altered in any way, as they are borrowed. If the skirt is too long for your child ( some of them are), please just roll it up at the waist to  ankle length. There is a white sash provided for each girl to cover up the rolled waist, to be tied in a bow at the back. The red sashes for the boys are to be tied in a knot at the right side. Hats, flowers and combs will be added at school.
Children need to be at school in their classrooms at 6:00 p.m. to get ready for their 6:30 p.m. performance. Parents may find a seat after they bring their child to their classroom. The girls may keep their necklaces after the performance. Skirts and all sashes (red and white) need to be returned to school the next day.

Thank you for your continued support.
Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week.
You can take some long pants for the extra clothes.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Susana