viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Friday Note (Feb. 14- Feb. 18, 2011)

Friday Note (Feb. 14- Feb. 18, 2011)

Dear Parents,

Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the "vowels", we are going to do it next week too. We have been reviewing the Hihg Frecuency Words and we are practicing making sentences with them.
Remember that you have to bring every Tuesday and Friday the books for the reading program.  

Math:  This week we have been reviewed the subtraction and the addition.
Science: This week the children learned about universe.
Arts and crafts:  we have made a book of wildlife tracks.
Music and dance:  We are learning a spanish song about food called "Soy una taza".
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something that start with the vowel E.

Spanish:  We finish with the healthy food and seasons.

Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Friday Note (Jan. 31- Feb. 4, 2011)

Friday Note (Jan. 31- Feb. 4, 2011)

Dear Parents,

Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been learningthe letter "Yy" and letter "Ee". And we have been reviewing the Hihg Frecuency Words and we are writting a history by ourself.
Next week we start the home reading program. The children will bring a book home on Tuesday and need to return it on Friday where they will recieve another book to read for the weekend. The home reading program will continue till the end of the school year. Please look for your child's first reader on Tuesday, Feb, 8. Instructions will be in their plastic bag.
Math:  This week we have been learning about addition, next week we start with the subtraction.
Social Studies: We have been talking about healthy food, ask them about to eat the five colors. We had had a visit of a dad in the afternoon class and he has teaching us about his job in the emergency hospital.

Science: This week the children learned about sings left behind when an animal has been there. We learned lost of information about this as well at the Ogden Nature Center.
Arts and crafts:  we have made a pinecone bird feeders.
Music and dance:  We are learning a spanish song about food.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something that start with the letter Zz or Qq.

Spanish:  We continue with the healthy food and seasons.

Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana