viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Friday Note (May. 9- May 13, 2011)

Friday Note (May. 9- May 13, 2011)

Dear Parents,

During this week and the rest of the following one we are going to make a big review of all the concepts learned this year.

LANGUAGE ART ( we are going to continue writting in our alphabet book, remembering all the high frecuency words)

MATH (we are going to make adittions and subtractions, we are going to measure things and review the time)

Arts and crafts (we are goint to finish the ladybug and the ant)

Show and tell:  (we are going to continue with the travels) 

Spanish:  (we are doing a book in spanish reviewing all the vocabulary)
School Field Day, May 20: all of the kindergarten students will be participating from 8:30 am till 1:00 pm. We have a change. Students need to have parents drop them off at Ellison Park (across and down a little from the school). All students will need to arrive at the park at 8:30 am and will be dismissed from the school at 1:00 pm (we walk back). They can wear shorts and shirts that are non uniform and running shoes. They need to bring a sack lunch with a drink in their backpacks to be eaten with the class at the park (please ensure it is in their backpack along with an extra bottle of water to bring to the park).
Please make sure your child has sunscreen applied before they get to the park.

Classroom Readers: Please return all the books by Tuesday, May 17. I need to keep them for next year. So if they are lost a replacement fee of 2.50 per book needs to be sent in with your child by May 17.

Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana