viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Friday Note (May. 9- May 13, 2011)

Friday Note (May. 9- May 13, 2011)

Dear Parents,

During this week and the rest of the following one we are going to make a big review of all the concepts learned this year.

LANGUAGE ART ( we are going to continue writting in our alphabet book, remembering all the high frecuency words)

MATH (we are going to make adittions and subtractions, we are going to measure things and review the time)

Arts and crafts (we are goint to finish the ladybug and the ant)

Show and tell:  (we are going to continue with the travels) 

Spanish:  (we are doing a book in spanish reviewing all the vocabulary)
School Field Day, May 20: all of the kindergarten students will be participating from 8:30 am till 1:00 pm. We have a change. Students need to have parents drop them off at Ellison Park (across and down a little from the school). All students will need to arrive at the park at 8:30 am and will be dismissed from the school at 1:00 pm (we walk back). They can wear shorts and shirts that are non uniform and running shoes. They need to bring a sack lunch with a drink in their backpacks to be eaten with the class at the park (please ensure it is in their backpack along with an extra bottle of water to bring to the park).
Please make sure your child has sunscreen applied before they get to the park.

Classroom Readers: Please return all the books by Tuesday, May 17. I need to keep them for next year. So if they are lost a replacement fee of 2.50 per book needs to be sent in with your child by May 17.

Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011


Hello dear parents, I want to tell you that we really need for the classroom tissues and disinfecting wipes.

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation.

Mrs. Susana

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Friday Note (April. 18- April. 22, 2011)

Friday Note (April. 18- April. 22, 2011)

Dear Parents,

During this week and the following one we are going to review and practice everything for the test that is going to be next May 3.

So in MATH (we are going to count from 0-100; practice the missing numbers and which is bigger). 
LANGUAGE ART ( we are going to practice the vowels and the consonants, and be able to read uppercase and lower case letters as much as they can in one minute and they have to say the sound of each letter. Say the first and last sound of a word too).

PLEASE HELP THEM AT HOME, use if you want what I gave you today for homeworks.

Arts and crafts:  we have been making a butterfly and we have planted a bean.

Music and dance:  We are learning a spanish  song called "Al jardin de la alegria", talking about spring. 
Show and tell:  We can bring whatever you want about bugs.
Spanish:  I am starting to make a big review.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Friday Note (After Spring Break)

Friday Note (After Spring Break)

Dear parents, I hope you enjoyed of your holidays.  You know because of the parent teacher conference my goals for the next two months, so we have to work very hard in the school and at home.

I want to sayl you THANK YOU VERY MUCH in advance because your help and cooperation in and for the classroom.

The Show and Tell for this week is going to be: "Remember your Holidays", (bring a picture, gift, photo....of your holidays).

Have a good week.

Mrs. Susana

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Friday Note (March. 21- Mar. 25, 2011)

Friday Note (March. 21- Mar. 25, 2011)

Dear Parents,

This is what we have done during all the week:
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the high frecuency words and the uppercase and lower case letters.
Math:  This week we have been making some adittions and subtraction problems.
Arts and crafts:  we have been making some farm animals using all the shapes.

Music and dance:  We are learning the spanish alphabet song and the song of the animals. 
Show and tell:  We are going to continue bringingsomething about spring.
Spanish:  We continued learning  the animal farm in spanish like caballo, pato, pollo, perro, gato, vaca, oveja, cerdo, conejo... and we are going to start with spring.
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.

 Homeworks are optional.

Please I want to make a spring craft with the children, for that reason I need an egg carton if you could bring one it will be fantastic.

Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Friday Note (March. 14- Mar. 18, 2011)

Friday Note (March. 14- Mar. 18, 2011)

Dear Parents,

This is what we have done during all the week:
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the high frecuency words, letters singing the alphabet and playing Bingo with the letters.
Math:  This week we have been practicing counting by tens and to 100. We have done some subtractions and additions. 

Arts and crafts:  we have finished the door hung and a cowboy or cowgirl picture and we have done a spring cadeneta.
Music and dance:  We are learning the spanish alphabet song and the song of the animals. 
Phisical Education: We have been working the coordination.
Show and tell:  Children need to  bring something about spring.
Spanish:  We started with alphabet. We have started with the animal farm in spanish like caballo, pato, pollo, perro, gato, vaca, oveja, cerdo, conejo. 
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders during the week, BEFORE  next Friday. Homeworks are optional.
Please I want to make a spring craft with the children, for that reason I need an egg carton if you could bring one will be fantastic.

Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Friday Note (March. 7- Mar. 11, 2011)

Friday Note (March. 7- Mar. 11, 2011)

Dear Parents,

This is what we have done during all the week:
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the "vowels", especially the vowel Ii.
I have sent at home with the homeworks a card, please help to your child to writte some sentences about him or her, make a picture and bring it to the school before friday. Thank you.

Math:  This week we have been practicing counting by two and I have introcuced counting  by five. We have done some subtractions and additions. 

Arts and crafts:  we are doing a door hung and a cowboy or cowgirl picture.
Music and dance:  We are learning the spanish alphabet song. 

Show and tell:  Children need to  bring something about animal farm.

Spanish:  We started with alphabet. This is the phonemic transcription:

A: a                    H: hache               ñ: eñe              U: u
B: be                   I: i                        O: o                   V: uve
C: ce                   J: jota                   P: pe                 W: uve doble
CH: che              K: ka                     Q: cu                  X: equis
D:de                   L: ele                    R: ere                Y: i griega
E: e                    LL: elle                 RR: erre            Z: zeta
F: efe                 M: eme                  S: ese
G: ge                  N: ene                   T: te
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana