viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Friday Note (March. 7- Mar. 11, 2011)

Friday Note (March. 7- Mar. 11, 2011)

Dear Parents,

This is what we have done during all the week:
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the "vowels", especially the vowel Ii.
I have sent at home with the homeworks a card, please help to your child to writte some sentences about him or her, make a picture and bring it to the school before friday. Thank you.

Math:  This week we have been practicing counting by two and I have introcuced counting  by five. We have done some subtractions and additions. 

Arts and crafts:  we are doing a door hung and a cowboy or cowgirl picture.
Music and dance:  We are learning the spanish alphabet song. 

Show and tell:  Children need to  bring something about animal farm.

Spanish:  We started with alphabet. This is the phonemic transcription:

A: a                    H: hache               ñ: eñe              U: u
B: be                   I: i                        O: o                   V: uve
C: ce                   J: jota                   P: pe                 W: uve doble
CH: che              K: ka                     Q: cu                  X: equis
D:de                   L: ele                    R: ere                Y: i griega
E: e                    LL: elle                 RR: erre            Z: zeta
F: efe                 M: eme                  S: ese
G: ge                  N: ene                   T: te
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

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