viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Friday Note (March. 14- Mar. 18, 2011)

Friday Note (March. 14- Mar. 18, 2011)

Dear Parents,

This is what we have done during all the week:
Language Art:  We have been reviwing the high frecuency words, letters singing the alphabet and playing Bingo with the letters.
Math:  This week we have been practicing counting by tens and to 100. We have done some subtractions and additions. 

Arts and crafts:  we have finished the door hung and a cowboy or cowgirl picture and we have done a spring cadeneta.
Music and dance:  We are learning the spanish alphabet song and the song of the animals. 
Phisical Education: We have been working the coordination.
Show and tell:  Children need to  bring something about spring.
Spanish:  We started with alphabet. We have started with the animal farm in spanish like caballo, pato, pollo, perro, gato, vaca, oveja, cerdo, conejo. 
Remember: Please remember to bring the folders during the week, BEFORE  next Friday. Homeworks are optional.
Please I want to make a spring craft with the children, for that reason I need an egg carton if you could bring one will be fantastic.

Thank you very much.
Mrs. Susana

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