viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Friday Letter (Nov. 1 - Nov. 5)

This week in Kindergarten (Nov. 1- Nov. 5, 2010)

Dear Parents,
Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.

Language Art:  We have been learning the letter F f and the letter I i (recognition, sound and printing). They have been making words with “I” as the middle of sound. We are going to learn a new  high frequency word, you.
 For the next week  you can cut with your child some photos from the magazines that begins with the new letters, you know  G, F, I, L because we are going to  continue making our beautiful  poster with it. Thank you very much. (Please I need your help with it).
Math:  Term two start next week and the children will be learning numbers from 11 to 20. Next week we will start oru unit on geometric shapes (cubes, cylinder, sphere and cone).
Social Studies: We are going to continuous with talking about  OWLS what they eat, were they live, what are their customs and so on.
Arts and crafts:  we have made a bear craft where pupils have identified polar, grizzly and black bear and during this week we are going to make a owl mask.
Music and dance:  We are still learning and practicing the Spanish dance called “Sevillanas”.
Gym: We have been dancing and practice the coordination and we played with the balls.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something that begins with the letter “L”.
Spanish:  We are continuing how to ask about likes and dislikes, “Yo quiero…” (I want), “Me gusta…” (I like), “No me gusta…” (I do not like) and they have to practice how to say their names “Mi nombre es…” (my name is). I will introduce the healthy food, all about fruits, meat, vegetables.
Kindergarten Concert: Tuesday, December 7 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Please mark this on your calendar. This will be a special night of song and dance from countries around the world! Refreshments will be served in the gym afterwards.
Parent Help: We are in feed of parents to help to assemble costumes for our Spanish Dance. This can be done at home and twe will supply the materials.
Costumes: The children will need to wear the following to school on concert day to go along with costumes made. The BOYS will need to wear a white, long sleeve, button up shirt and long black pants with black shoes or runners (black in preferred if possible). The GIRLS need to wear a long or short sleeved dance leotard or blouse (white is preferred). They need to have their hair pulled back in one pony tail (if possible). We will provide the flowers and the combs. Than

Thank you very much, have a good weekend.
Mrs. Susana Aznar

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