viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Friday Note (Nov. 15- Nov 23)

Friday Note (Nov. 15- Nov 23, 2010)

Dear Parents,
Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been learning the letter Hh. The children have been working on decoding  a cvc word (consonant- vowel- consonant) using the letters they have learned with the vowel “a” and "i". And we paracticed with the high frecuency words and we are able to read them. 
Math:  This week the children have been practicing the numbers including 11 and 12.
Social Studies: We have been talking about  AFRICA and we have learnt a song of the continents.
Continents, continents
do you know the continents
north and south
east and west
and all around the world
Arts and crafts:  we have made asome photocopies of the bears and we have been painting an owl.
Music and dance:  We are still learning and practicing the Spanish dance called “Sevillanas”.
Gym: We have been dancing and practice the coordination.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something about NORTH AMERICA.
Spanish:  We are continuing how to ask about likes and dislikes, “Yo quiero…” (I want), “Me gusta…” (I like), “No me gusta…” (I do not like) and they have to practice how to say their names “Mi nombre es…” (my name is) and we are going to learn next week everything about the scool.
Kindergarten Concert: Tuesday, December 7 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Please mark this on your calendar. This will be a special night of song and dance from countries around the world! Refreshments will be served in the gym afterwards.
Please, you do not have to bring any more combs and any candel, we have it all, thank you very much for your help and cooperation again.
Parents, I am not going to be here the followings days 22,23,29 and 30  of November, I travel to Spain to visit my dear family, so I have a substitute for that days and I have prepared all the material for that days, so have a good holidays and we will see us after my return.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Susana

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