lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Friday Note (Jan. 24- Jan. 28, 2011)

Friday Note (Jan. 24- Jan. 28, 2011)

Dear Parents,

Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been learningthe letter "Vv". And we have been reviewing the Hihg Frecuency Words and we are writting a history by ourself.
Math:  This week the children have been practicing numbers from 0 to 100, and learning about addition.
Social Studies: We have finished with the community helpers and we are going to talk about healthy food.
Arts and crafts:  we have finished to make a picture of a spanish painter called Velazquez.
Music and dance:  We are learning a spanish rhyme talking about the winter and we are going to learng a song about clothes.
Gym: We played with the balls practicing the coordination.

Show and tell: The children need to  bring something that start with the letter Vv.

Spanish:  We are going to start with the healthy food and seasons.

Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week, BEFORE  next Friday.
Fieldtrip: All classes of Kindergarten students will be going on their second fieldtrip to the Ogden Nature Center in Ogden on Wednwsday February 2. We will leave the school at 8: 15 a.m. and returning approx. 12:15 p.m. The students do NOT need to bring a lunch and they will be dismissed upon returning to the school. Childern should wear warm outdoor clothing as they will be outside for about 1 hour of the time. Snow pants, warm jackets, warm mittens, hats and snow boots will allow them to be warm and dry and better able to snowshoe and focus on the activities the Naturalist has planned for them  The entrance fee for the students will be $ 3.50 and the school will pay the cost of the school bus for our transportation. Permission  slips for the trip are due today, Friday, January 28. Parents please do not park in the round a bout at the front of the school when picking children up. The buses need to pull in and drop them off.
REMEMBER: we will leave the school at 8:15, so be in the school before that hour we can not wait because we have to start in the Nature Center at 9:00 o'clock.
And remember that we come back about 12:15 p.m.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Susana

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