viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Friday Note (Jan. 3- Jan. 7, 2011)

Friday Note (Jan. 3- Jan. 7, 2011)

Dear Parents,

Here are some of the things the children have been working on this  week.
Language Art:  We have been learning and reviewing the letters Ww and Xx, we have been practicing how to writte them and read them in a word. I am going to continue sending every week some words and phrases in a piece of paper to read at home with your child, parents, please I need your help with it, read with your children everyday. Leave that paper at home.
Reading minutes: Please continue to keep track of your child's reading minutes and submit to me every Friday. When your child reaches 200 minutes they will recieve a special achievement bracelet from the school. Tehe reading challenge goes until the last Friday in January.
Math:  This week the children have been reviewing the numbers from 11 to 20. We have been counting from 0 to 100 and identifying the numbers.
Social Studies: We have started our community helpers and have learning abou the various jobs that people have in our community. On Monday of next week, we will have a visit from the Layton fire Dept. If you have a job that children might enjoy learning about (ie. police officer, nurse, doctor, vet, chef, farmer, mail carrier, dentist, hairdresser, plumber, pilot, military...) we would love to have you come and share for about 20 min. with the children. They enjoy this so much!! Please let us know by e-mail and we can schedule a time for you to come in. Thanks!!! 
Arts and crafts:  we are doing a start.
Music and dance:  We are learning a spanish song talking about the peace, remembering the day of Martin Luther King.
Gym: We have done a circuit.
Show and tell: The children need to  bring something about COMMUNITY HELPER.
Spanish:  We are learning the clothes and the temperature.

Remember: Please remember to bring the folders and the homeworks during the week.
Warm Clothes: With the cold weather now upon us it is very important that children bring warm outer clothing to wear, (hats or hoods, warm coats, warm gloves or mittens and boots). Little hands, toes, ears and bodies get cold easyly and the children have a 15 min. recess day to play and get some exercise. Please make sure that your child brings their indoor shoes to change into, as boots are left at the entrance to keep our rugs clean and dry for sitting and playing on.
Fieldtrip: All classes of Kindergarten students will be going on their second fieldtrip to the Ogden Nature Center in Ogden on Wednwsday February 2. we will leave the school at 8: 15 a.m. and returning approx. 12:15 p.m. The students do NOT need to bring a lunch and they will be dismissed upon returning to the school. They will take part in a Kindergarten program run by the Naturalist at the center called "Tracks". The children will learn to identify animal tracks in the snow and make their own tracks wearing snowshoes. They will also learn about and see some animal shelters used by various animals in the area. The center also serves as a sanctuary for various birds that have been injured. the entrance fee for the students will be $ 3.50 and the school will pay the cost of the school bus for our transportation.  I will need 4 parents per class to ride the bus and help with supervision. If you are interested please e-mail to the class captain.

Homework: Dear parents I have sent a letter and a phone in the folders, so What I need is to writte with your childern your address in the envelop and your telephone number in the telephone, I want your children learn it. Send me during next week. Thankyou.
Thank you very much.

Mrs. Susana

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